
As in many Canadian communities hockey is at the heart of recreation and there are many arenas throughout the region.

From squirt to oldtimers, competitive or recreational, there are a variety of opportunities to participate in one of Canada’s favorite sports.

The region is also home of the Swan Valley Stampeders, Junior A hockey team.

Many of our communities throughout the valley have curling rinks offering the opportunity for individuals of all ages and all skill levels to participate.

Several bonspiels and tournaments are held throughout the season offering excitement for participants and spectators alike.

gymnasticsOther Sports
Other sports and recreational opportunities include figure skating, dancing, square dancing, bowling, baseball & slow pitch, soccer, swimming, gymnastics, barrel racing, team penning and trap shooting.

Many organizations host information nights and/or year-end performances to showcase their organization. These events provide an opportunity for participants to demonstrate their developing skills and great entertainment for the attendees.


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